Special events & Stewardship Projects

We are excited for the various special events that we host & holidays that we celebrate throughout the year such as:

In addition, we facilitate various charitable/stewardship events. A few examples over the last year have been:

  • Shop with a Cop fund drive
  • Toy Drive for the Fraternal Order of Police (December)
  • Sock drives for homeless shelters
  • Baby Shower for Merci's Refuge of Champaign
  • Quilts & Care kits (school, personal care & baby care) for Lutheran World Relief. 

Please check back here regularly to see what we have going on currently.

Sunday school stewardship project - crayola initative

The Sunday School Department will be collecting old crayons to donate to the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Alliance Chapter, Champaign, IL  that has partnered with The Crayon Initiative, which is a program that melts down old, broken crayons and repurposes them as donations to children’s hospitals throughout the country.  We will have a donation box in the breezeway for you to donate your crayons to the project.  Thank you to Julie Woller for reaching out and including our Sunday School children in this project.