Worship Service Volunteers

Please contact the Volunteer Services liaison on Church Council if you are interested in assisting with any of these volunteer opportunities.

We are in a sacred space. The sanctuary of the church is where God meets us in Word and Sacrament and we offer Him our Thanksgiving and praise. Many people help to lead our congregation in worship: acolytes, communion assistants, choirs, organists, pianists, pastors, readers, ushers, and others. What we wear, what we say, and what we do all help to focus the congregation in their worship. 


    Acolytes are normally Confirmation students who assist during Worship Services. 

    This ACOLYTE GUIDE is written to help you, the acolyte, do what you can to aid the congregation in this sacred space.

  • Altar guild

    Altar Guild does its work behind the scenes before and after the service. They dress the altar, change the banners and paraments as well as prep the altar for Holy Communion

  • Communion Assistants

    Communion Assistants distribute the wine during Holy Communion, if you are confirmed and are interested in assisting in this way.

  • Greeters

    Greeters, of any age, perform a valuable service by welcoming worshipers before every service.

  • Lay Reader

    Lay readers read the Old and New Testament lessons on Sunday mornings and special occasions.

  • Organists/Pianists

    Organists and pianists play a vital role to the Worship service. Do you enjoy playing the piano?

  • sound technicians

    Sound technicians run the microphones and coordinate with the radio station for live broadcasts.

  • Ushers

    Ushers play an important role in the flow of worship, passing out bulletins, ringing the church bell, collecting the offering, and ushering people during communion.