Music and Choirs

Please considering sharing your musical talents with us. We are always looking for additional people to join any of our choirs a well as perform solos or duets during various Worship services.

  • Cathedral Choir

    Do you enjoy singing? Looking for a new way to raise a loud shout to the Lord? Rehearsals for the Cathedral Choir are on Wednesdays at 7:00pm from August through May. We share the talent God gives with the congregation on the 1st Sunday of the month and other special times.

    Cathedral Choir singing "O Holy Night"

  • JOY Bells

    Our English handbell Choir began in 1975 as a memorial to four of our youth. Looking for a way to enjoy making music with only having to learn 2 or maybe 3 notes? Come and join us! We practice at 6:15pm on Wednesdays in the church Sanctuary from August through April and play during the the 8:00am Worship service on the 4th Sunday of each month.

  • Men's Choir

    We only sing on random months that have a 5th Sunday and practice on random Sundays between Worship services.